We moseyed out for a light breakfast again, then headed for Harrod's to return the 'universal' adapter which did not successfully charge our devices...hence the tardiness of this computer missive. I was able to return it, then we shopped (unsuccessfully!) for more bathing suits. Prices are fairly outrageous here, from a western viewpoint. I keep thinking about Chinese prices! We got our errands done in time to reach the changing of the guard (see pics!); quite a spectacle on a beautiful day. We then walked across Hyde Park to Speakers' corner where various religious views were being patiently and logically (!) explained to the assembled crowds. Kate just shook her head!
For the afternoon, we decided to head for the Tate Modern gallery via the London Bridge/Thames riverside walk. It was a beautiful walk. The Tate Modern art displays were mostly beyond our ability to appreciate (!) but there were some interesting pieces. We decided at the spur of the moment to visit the Clink Prison (the prison that gave all future prisons the name Clink!). There we learned about various torture devices and generally what people were imprisoned for over the past 1000 yrs of Britain's history. We also saw the reconstructed 'Globe Theatre' (pictured) above, and the Golden Hinde, a reconstructed version of Sir Francis Drake's ship. What impressed me about Drake's ship was how small it was, given where he went as its commander!
Tonight, we're going to try to find an Indian restaurant to expand Kate's horizons. Tomorrow finds us on the road...er, I mean rail, headed for Paris! Yea! Love to all...
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