While Kevin is flying over the spectacular glaciers of the coast range on the west coast, I am flying over the spectacular hills of WV! Well, not so spectacular, but still always a fun part of my job - going up in a small plane doing remote sensing work. Today we were seeking out Ailanthus from the air, hoping to image females and their attendant seed clusters. My student Matt Kaproth was in the back seat operating our digital Sigma SD9 camera, while I was co-pilot in the front, directing the pilot and saying helpful things like 'Start shooting now, Matt!' The above is one of my photos taken with my handheld digital camera.
1 comment:
I didn't know you were studying nuclear power PLANTS too.
By the way, I showed the kids what dryas octopetala looks like. Also saw the usual suspect like vaccinium uligonosum (sp?). The kids picked some of these berries for breakfast one day.
Keep up that blog!
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