Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sun Valley, Idaho trip

Arrived Friday afternoon in beautiful Hailey, ID and met Kate and her wonderful roommate Carrie at their house (free accommodations during internship, house sitting).

We drove up to Ketchum in the mustang with the top down, acting like glitterati, as best we could. Kate showed me her workplace fornthe summer-the environmental resource center.

We then had dinner at Sawtooth club restaurant, a major revelation there being the grilled artichoke with an aioli that was fantastic.

I had the opportunity to be Lily Tomlin's character Edith Ann after dinner.

We rubbed shoulders with Jamie Lee Curtis on the street.

After loading Kate's host's kayaks on top of her Fit, it was early to bed to get up Saturday early for a combination kayak/hike trip in the Sawtooth Mountains to some alpine lakes. I had never explored this part of Idaho, and was excited to see a new section of the country.

Here we are paddling across Redfish Lake just south of Stanley, ID.

Scenery not too shabby! Reminded me of some elements of the Tetons and Yosemite.

After paddling for an hour or so, we reached the far end of the lake and began hiking. The mountain views just kept getting better and better!

After 3 miles, we had to cross a rickety bridge over a creek to head uo toward Saddleback Lakes.

We ascended steadily up to the base of a rock face with climbers, called Elephant's Perch.

Can you see them?

Kate was very excited to see this close up. When I asked her if she could climb that she said sure! Yikes. I decided I needed to take lessons.

We found a small pitch nearby, and though lacking ropes and proper equipment of any kind, I thought, 'if she can do this, so can I!'

Here I am making my way up the face, no problem.

Suddenly, my arthritic grip let loose a bit and I began to panic. Kate kept snapping pictures!

Finally, I could hang on no further.

The fact that I am writing these words shows that I was able to survive this harrowing experience. Nevertheless, if you want to climb vertical rock walls. I suggest getting better equipment and practicing a bit more. (PS - please ignore the growth angle of trees in these images; they all grow that way in Idaho)

More spectacular scenery as we reached the lakes.

Can you see Kate?

The Sawtooths are truly spectacular. Here are a couple more photos from the day.

Oh, and to top off 7-13-13, we received news upon arriving at Stanley, ID for dinner, that I am now a grandfather. Yeye, in Chinese; I think I am going with that. I'm still not ready to be called grandpa yet. But I am beyond thrilled at the arrival if Reiya Zhu McGraw and Liya Zhu McGraw - I think they will rock my world!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Sun Valley, ID


Anonymous said...

I need to go to the saw teeth!!

Liz said...

Gorgeous scenery. Love the climbing goofiness. Congrats on the twins!